The Avenger (1962 film)

La leggenda di Enea The Legend of Aeneas, aka The Avenger, is a 1962 Italian French Yugoslavian film directed by Giorgio Venturini.

In general, The Avenger is a demythologized and condensed retelling of the second half of the Aeneid. It is also insular in its storytelling, making none of the references to Hannibal or Caesar found in the Aeneid. The movie differs from Virgils poem in many ways, but retains the same essential structure of books VII XII. In Virgils Aeneid, the story begins with Juno provoking a storm that drives Aeneas ships to the shores of Carthage. The Avenger begins after Aeneas has arrived in Italy, skipping the wellknown substories of Aeneas affair with Dido and his journey through the underworld. Both stories recount the Trojan war. In the Aeneid, it is told by Aeneas in Didos court in The Avenger it is told through a flashback while viewing a fresco in King Latinos court.In the Aeneid, gods and goddesses play a critical role in developing the plot, whereas in The Avenger, there is little to no mention of the gods. Throughout the Aeneid, Aeneass mother Venus actively protects him and advances his cause, while Jupiters wife Juno actively opposes him and raises difficulties for him. Jupiter, Neptune, Apollo, Mercury and a host of mythical creatures all make appearances as well. ........

Source: Wikipedia